Abang n Huny

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, November 12, 2010

today is my EDD hah hah hah

hr ni EDD sy...tp sy masih di ofis. zeha n yana hengat sy da besalin. siap plan nk jenguk kt spital time lunch hour. apekahh?? xpena bitau pon da besalin..cmne da ble plan nk melawat plak ni??advance tull...mentang2 la lunch hour ri jumaa lameee...

hari ni EDD sy...tp xrase sakit pape pon..tips yg dibace dr babycenter. cara-cara xnk bg overdue:

1. Nipple stimulation
Nipple stimulation is the gentle rubbing or rolling of the nipple to encourage the start of contractions. The theory is that oxytocin, a hormone that causes contractions, is released in the body when the breasts are stimulated.

2. Sex
Sex as means of getting labour started is thought to work in three ways: firstly the movement may help to stimulate the uterus into action; secondly, sex can trigger the release of oxytocin, the 'contraction' hormone; thirdly, semen contains a high concentration of prostaglandins which help to ripen, or soften, the neck of the womb (cervix) ready for it to dilate when labour starts.
3. Eating pineapple
Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain which is thought to help to soften the cervix and so bring on labour.
4. Homeopathy
Homoeopathic remedies use highly diluted versions of more potent substances to treat the body. Pulsatilla and Caulophyllum are two commonly used homeopathic remedies used to stimulate labour.
5. Herbal: blue cohosh and black cohosh
Blue cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) and black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosus) are herbs which should not be used in early pregnancy but are often cited as useful in bringing on labour.
 -err mcm xkn try...sbb cm xpena dgr pon herbs ni...
6. Eating curry
Spicy food is often suggested as a means of bringing on labour. There are no scientific theories relating to this, but it may be that it stimulates the gut and bowel and so encourages the uterus to get going by that means.
  - xsemestinye curry kot kan? mkn nasi lemak pon ok kott ehehe

7. Acupuncture
Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points of the body. According to traditional Chinese philosophy, this stimulates the energy within the body to restore balance and boost healing.
  - takottttt...xmahuuuu 
8. Walking
The explanation appears to be that the pressure of your baby's head pressing down on the cervix from the inside stimulates the release of oxytocin, hopefully bringing on labour. Also, just being upright gets the forces of gravity working for you, encouraging the baby to move down onto the cervix.
 - ok..jp lagi nk gi alamanda..ibu beusaha! bb pun beusaha yee...bes sgt eh duk dlm perot ibu?hihi cpt2 kua ehh main dgn baba plak

And finally:

Here is a selection of other methods (some of them a little bizarre) that other mums are said to have found helpful. There is no evidence for any of these and frankly we are not convinced!

• Blowing up balloons: the theory is that the build up of abdominal pressure encourages labour to start.

• Bouncing on your birth ball or driving your car down a bumpy road would seem to put the same faith in shaking things up a little.

• Get a weepy video and have a good cry.

• Wear your best knickers (sod's law will ensure that your waters break in them). 
hahaha baiklahh...ini usaha2 sy yg akan sy buat dgn harapan dlm 2-3 ari ni..bb akan kua dengan sihat, selamat n comel eheeeh.
kwn2 sume da besalin ni..hurmm bile plak my turn ye?? one of my friends ckp...bb tgh wt pejanjian dgn Allah tu..masih belum selesai.bkn sng nk wt pejanjian dgn Allah. another friend plak ckp when his ready, he'll be coming out..so, sy mesti byk2 besabar.klu induce/ceaser adalah yg terbaik for us..sy redha. but i'm praying that i can do it normally. InsyaAllah..semoga dipermudahkan. Amiin.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Semangat 36 mgg!

bb cukup 36 minggu on 16/10/10..dgn smgtnyeee pkl 930 da kua g bekpes dan terus gi mines..
tujuannye adalah membeli kamera! sian ktorg xde kamera...post2 sblm ni pon cm xbape nk ade gmba disebbkan kekurangan ini...setlh mejelajah the mines hampir 2jam. ktorg memilih utk membeli kamera nih..

samsung PL101..tp ktorg pye is pink colour!!lg santek dr wrna itam neh :p

lalu dgn xmembuang mase..terus amik2 gmba kt the mines tuhh..

 minum2 dl sblm gi shah alam untuk fotoshoot 36 weeks pregnant!

tq abg sbb merealisasikan impian utk mempunyai sebuah kamera spt dolu2...sgt xbes idup tanpa kamera huhu pasni akn gune sebaik mungkin utk our baby =) yeyyyy

sempena bb da cukup 36 minggu juge, sy dgn sukacite memaksa kwn2 sy gi amik gmba beramai2..
pd asalnye yg setujuk nk join adalah sy n hubby, ecah n apad, dila n sapik, saz n family = 10 org..tp akhirnye yg pegi hanyalah 4 org seperti pic di bwh :p
kebetulan plak sume pkai bj wrna hampir sama..nice~

mcm2 pose tlh diberikan oleh ktorg..n sy mmg sgt excited..tq to our fotographer hafiz ismail yg byk membantu aja ktorg yg kaku ni posing...n tq jgk sbb buat promotion berbaloi2 tersebut.klu x, xmerase den ditangkap gmba oleh seorg pro begini huhu ada byk lg gmba nehh..dlm mase sejam, ktorg dpt tgkp hmpir 200 pics..so, nk ltk sume ke??bejanggut kot nk tgg loading..so, ltk skt jelaa ;) 
 owhh ni bj baru sy beli khas utk sesi amek gmba..semngat kannn?? :D

 oo baby baby...xsaba nk tgg kamu kua.tp ibu takott :p

 ecah je yg sggp melayan pemintaan sy..tq cah!

luv u syg..soo much!!

selepas habes sesi begmba2..ktorg pon gerak menuju uma sazlina. yg septtnye join ktorg.tp ats sbb2 tetentu...tepaksa kensel last minute.lalu, memujuk ktorg berkaraoke dirumahnyee. sy xkarok ponn..xelok utk bb.lagu nasyid tidak disediakan..jd sy bz uplod pic kt fb je time kt uma saz..owhh mrNaha je yg layan karok. abg nii..nnt bb nk masuk petandingan bintang kecil plak.xsuke taw : |

 ecah xmelepaskan peluang karok free kegemarannye
 sy tgk jela korg joli
 nape gegar ni abg?
bz upload pic kt fb..

setelah berjam2 kt uma saz..pkl 8 mlm, dinner is ready!!lapa tawuu..mkn nasi goreng time bekpes dgn sebutir big epel donushi (betui ke ni?) je seharian ni..sian bb.

 saz n anak2 bz setup meja

 nyum2..kakak n adek buat air spesel neh.sodapp!!

 sume xsabau nk mkn

owh abg pndg cam xajk i!

lps je mkn..terus cabut blk uma..mak nak dtg uma mlm nii.seb bek abg ingtkan i..klu xmeti melepak lg huhu
selamat dtg, mak...! =D

Monday, October 11, 2010

bz wiken

Semalam my fren azni selamat diijbakabulkan..plan asal sy dgn MrNaha mau gi sn pg2 subuh smbil nek kete mak. tp smpai2 je di uma (time tu da pkl 1030 mlm kot...) ayah ckp, tok arah sakit tenat. kte blk johor lah ye.frust skt sbb nk sgt gi kenduri azni yg byk membantu mse ktorg kawen dl...tp pk2 blk, org sakit pon harus jgk gi menjenguk..tmbah2 plak atuk sedara saya tu da lame sakit..takot xsempat jumpa plak klu xblk kali ni..so, ktorg decide utk blk johor slps subuh. saya n MrNaha sbnrnye mmg da penat. xlarat nk blk mlm tu jgk...ri sabtu tu mmg byk sgt aktiviti..lotih2.

6:00  - alamanda
6:30  - nando's
7:00  - Nichii..
dpt beli bj baru yg ai dah survey time lunch td..bj khas utk fotoshoot ahad neh (semangat wooo)

7:30  - magrib the gi primavera...
dpt beli sandal br memandangkan sandal lame da burok + masam2 skt..xde gmba plak memandangkan kamera pon xdek lg  [bile abg nk beli kamera ni??xbes lsg blog xde gmba :| ]

8:30  - blk uma n tido. (hahaha ape kes?)
12:30 - bgn blk solat, lipat bj, basuh bj, sidai bj..MrNaha nyenyak tido cm pengsan pon ade
2:30  - tido...hr ni hubby xpicit bdn saya menyebabkan sy susah nk tdo..maklumlaa pengsan la katekan : |

9:30  - bangun pg tgk2 da de bekpes (yeyy hubby xtdo lps subuh..siap wt mihun grg!!)
10:00 - tgk tv aje..
11:00 - kemas2 uma yg da lame xkemas tuh..da besawang2 daa. gembire sume labah2 wt uma smpai kt siling..ish2
1:00  - siap2 nk gi umah zeha
2:30  - smpai uma zeha (lame jgk besiap)
mkn nasik ayam.sedapnye zeha msk.bagus2 len kali ajk lagi.tq
3:30 - gi bangi kedai Manjaku..
saje je pegi kot2 de brg2 baby yg xbeli lg..so, gi kdai tu tgk2 pe yg ptt. byk jgk belanje : | hurmmm

4:30 - gi kedai FabulousMom kat puchong..
ok, sy suke kedai ni..pasni beli brg kt sini je..mcm2 brg ade, murah n berbaloi2...belanje byk lagi! :((

6:00  - smpai uma MIL kt pantai dalam..lepak2 smbil tetido jap huhu
8:30  - jamuan raya at kondo rakyat ,pantai hillpark.
ok dimaklumkan sy mmg beselera sgt mkn skrg..mlm tu mkn nasi lemak sepinggan n laksa semangkuk..terenyeee.dan juga xterase kenyang sgt.rse bese2 jeee huhuhu

10:30-  smpai gombak n dpt berite psl tok arah..
ok, hubby terus tido..saya besiap2 iron bj sume kul 12lebih br tido..sy pasan yg sy ni sorg yg slow motion.wat keje sume lmbt.iron bj satu je pon.tp nape lmbt sgt tido??sy pon xtau..apetah yg sy wat mlm tuh..ish2. keadaan slow motion ni terjadi ketika waktu nak msk jgk..sy msk 2 lauk selalnye mkn mase 1jam.MrNaha masak 2 lauk br 30-45 minit.kenapakah sy begini?? keturunan kot ehehehe

5:00  - ayah da kejut bgn.aduyaii awalnyee
6:30  - gerak blk joho..
tok arah da meninggal pd pkl 4pg td..semoga arwah dicucuri rahmat dan digolongkan di dalam insan2 yg beriman. Al-fatihah untuk arwah...

9:30  - smpai pontian (spjg perjlnn sy tdo je. huhu) dan terus tuju uma arwah..
ramai da sedare2 yg smpai. arwah nmpk putih beseri..sy tgk dr jauh je sbnrnye...

12:00 - arwah selamat ditanam dan ditalkin kan..
sy xgi kubur pon..ayah xbg.lgpon sy keletihan.sakit bdn2 sume n mengantok lg !

2:30 - blk ke kl semula...singgah mkn nasi lemak + mi bandung kt hentian nilai
(yee sy mmg kuat mkn) dan smbg pejalann blk...xtau la psl ape nk kua tol highway plus tu jem.bengang jeee.dhla ngntok, sok nk keje (ngntok lg wpon asek tdo dlm kete)

6:30 - smpai gombak..
xsempat rehat pon.mandi2 lps magrib terus gerak gi uma kak ija utk amik baby cot + buaian..da bape kali jnji nk dtg..akhirnye pegi jgk wpon sgt keletihan. owhh MrNaha la yg lg letih kot.sbb die drive pegi blk dr johor..sian abg.huny tdo jek kt blkg hihi

830: smpai uma kak ija...lapa lagi : |
gi beli nasi goreng 2 bungkus.. n sy hbskan sebungkus tanpa bantuan sape2 pon...sgt tere! kagum lg dgn diri sndri

9:30 - gerak blk putrajaya
10:30 - smpai uma, angkat baju..
11:00 - dua2 trus pengsan...

yee itula wiken sy...
jadi hr ni sy sgt letih..bdn sakit2..
mate cm xle bkk..pg td cm gado2 nk soh sape mandi dl sbb yg sorg lg nk tdo lame skt (pdhal toilet kn ade 2..bgn same2 kn senang.apela abg ni!)
dan akhirnye kami pon bejaya smpai opis jgk tanpa sebarang kejadian kelewatan..alhamdulillah
next week cmni lg yeee...erghhhh penat!!!

bg menceriakan entry..ltkla gmba azni nikah..ur so beautiful!!
semoga azni + hamzi beroleh keberkatan dan berkekalan ke ahir hayat
cantikkan kawan sy?? hihi sowi azni..xdpt dtg u kawin :(

Amalan ketika mengandung

Doa ni rina yg printkan n bg kt sy beberapa bln lps..
wpon sll terlupe nk bace..tp saya suke sgt intipati doa ni...mmg lengkap semua perkara yg kte mesti inginkan for our baby..kdg2 bace doa sndri tu mmg ok.tp sll cm xreti susun ayat bes mase memohon doa hehehe
jd..utk anak2 seterusnya...mesti mau amalkan lagi doa ini..

"Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani. Ya Allah, peliharalah anakku selama di dalam kandungan dan sihatkanlah dia, Engkaulah yang Maha Penyembuh, tiada penyembuhan melainkan penawar-Mu, penyembuhan yang tidak meninggalkan kesan buruk(penyakit). Ya Allah, lahirkan ia daripada kandunganku dengan kelahiran yang mudah dan selamat. Ya Allah, jadikanlah ia sihat sempurna, berakal dan pandai, alim dan beramal.  Ya Allah, panjangkanlah umurnya, sihatkanlah badannya, elokkanlah perangai (akhlak)nya, fasihkanlah lidahnya dan perelokkanlah suaranya untuk membaca hadis dan al-quran dengan berkat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w". Ameen.

Friday, October 8, 2010

check up 34 weeks

owh baby ku sayang...sungguh misteri kamu ini. udahla nk gi scan pye la xbekesempatan. last2 da dpt gi scan smlm..kamu tunjuk bu**ut je kt kami. errr jadi, redha ajelah dgn jantina bb kami. tapi sbnrnye mmg da beli bj wrna biru..konpiden je bb boy sbb bidan (yg konon2 kak ija ckp tere teke jantina tu) ckp bb sy baby boy time die rase perot mase 28 minggu. terus smgt beli2 bj...pastu upe2nye bidan tersebut penah salah teka... bak kate ecah " meti bidan tu ckp kt sumorg bb laki sbb chance utk betul kn 50-50.klu sll tuka nnt asek salah byk sgt plak". saya setuju dgn kamu ecah...lalu, sy pon xmo pecaya lg tekaan bidan tersebut dan ingin menunggu saat kelahiran dengan penoh gembire xkire bb ini boy atau girl nnt..... =D

sungguh xdpt menahan tgk baju bb yg cute2. lalu sy da terbeli baju online. konon2 bj tuh nmpk cm unisex. tp bile da dpt nmpk cm keperempuanan aje.hmmm xpelaaa bb kecik lg.xkesah kot pkai wrna pape (ayat menyedapkan ati : p).
tgk ni..mcm baju unisex kee cm x?hmmmm

smlm scan cume dpt result jee..yg dpt tgkp doc ckp bb da 2.5 kg!yeehuuuu besanya bb saya hihihi and EDD baru adlah 13/11/10. MrNaha sebuk je nk 12/11/10..suke2 je nak pilih2 tarikh kan.xpelaa cube slow talk kt baby kot2 die de calendar nk bajet uhuhuh
scan smlm sy xdpt tgk bb sgt pon.doc je yg dpt tgk jelas2.MrNaha pon tgk cm dr jauh skt sbb doc sibuk nk kre2 saiz pale bb, bdn bb, kand air ketuban dll. MrNaha ckp nmpk mate, idung n jari2 bb. bb tgh sujud die ckp. katenye lg idung mancung cm baba hmmm (baba pye idung xmancung pon laa.pelik2) idung atok mancung laaa..pasan la baba ni...

mancung keni? cm idung i lg mancung je, syg :p

owh smlm de mkn2 free kt opis...sempena jamuan raya. i mkn kambing bakar byk u. smpai penin pale pastu. sume cm concern pesan mnm air byk2, mnm air oren, mnm air suam hehe tq rina sbb bg tips byk kt sy yg xsedar diri ini...

~sekian melaporkan~

p/s: bb sll kick kuat2 smpai sakit skrg neh..kick ke landing ek??xtaula nk describe.tp yg pentingnye mmg sakettt...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Try this website to gain onfo bout ur baby growth
Sgt2 memberi info..n tiap2 mgg die akan anta emel ttg pekembangan baby
Now, my baby dah 34 weeks..dah ada info2 pasal nk labour

Ok...skrg bz2 beli baju baby then basuh.then masuk beg utk bwk gi spital
Rasenye mcm da nk sebulan kemas beg utk baby...xsiap2 lg huhu
Ade je bende yg lupe beli..dhla nk kua gi shopping pye la ssh..en hubby ku syg asek bz aje
time die xbz plak..sian nk ajk jalan2 sbb die penat setelah bz2 sebelum tuh hurmmmm
Nak kene ajak member teman kot..kecik ati tak en hubby nnt?

Selain beg baby..nk kene kemas beg ibu n baba juge. Beg ibu mcm kene lg besa dr beg bb semestinye.
Tp beg pon xde..bwk beg tarik aci x? tu je yg ade kt uma...
owhh nk kene kemas bes utk berkampung di uma mak mentua jgk niii
aduii byk nye nk kene kemas beg!!! bile nk siap cmni :-s mulala da rse cemas dan stress..errkkk

Blk kepada cerita website babycenter td...
Semalam klik2 mcm2 link kt website tu...then tejumpelaa list nih
list utk dibawa ke spital mase labour
pasni xdela huru hara sgt kot sbb da ade checklist ni

Packing your hospital bag? What to take...

For labour:

Your birth plan
Dressing gown
An old nightdress or T-shirt to wear in labour (if you don't want to wear the hospital gown)
Massage oils or lotions
Lip balm
Snacks and drinks or glucose tablets
Watch with a second hand to time contractions
Digital camera or camcorder (check with hospital first)
Relaxation materials: books, magazines etc
Pictures of someone or something you love (the inspiration you may need to see you through to the end)
TENS pain relief machine if you are planning to use one
Water spray to cool you down
Music to listen to 

 additional stuff yg kene bawak (atas nasihat kwn2):

  • disposable panties 

  • air selusoh + minyak selusoh

    pe lagi ehh? da lupe plakkkk!!

    kain batik kot

For your husband or birth partner:

Change of clothes

After the birth:

Going-home outfit
Breastfeeding bras
Breast pads
Maternity pads
Towels, hairbrush, toothbrush and toothpaste

Old knickers/cheap knickers/disposable knickers
Ear plugs (in case you end up on a noisy ward)
Arnica tablets (may help with bruising)

For your baby:

Infant car seat
One outfit for the trip home (all-in-one stretchy outfits are easiest)
Baby blanket
One pair of socks or booties
Muslin squares    

  • Toiletries baby
  • minyak + lotion
  • barut
  • kapas utk bersihkan tali pusat..in case kene tahan wad lame kan..harap2 dijauhkan dr prob2 during labour. I really hope to give labour normally...mintak jauh la ceaseraen. I want more than 3 kids! InsyaAllah...
Once you've got your hospital bag organised, remind yourself of the first signs of labour so you know when it's the real thing

hehehe bersediakah daku?? seramnyee nk tgg labour :p

Monday, October 4, 2010

34 weeks and counting

oh my...
hari raya still going..
penatnye pergi open house n kenduri kawen
xpegi nnt cm xbes plak sbb they all come to my wedding last february
so, wpon bdn sakit2 n hubby ku syg xbape sehat..
pegi jgklaa merantau ke sana sini utk memnuhi undangan org ramai
time kasih kwn2...sbb sudi menjempot kami bedua =)

yesterday..cukup 34 week pregnant
yesterday jgk...sy mula selsema, sakit tekak n batok
owh no..telebih mnm ais la niii
b4 raya ni...yeye sgt jg xminum ais
bile da pose sebln...raye plak musim panas
mmg meleleh liuq tgk air sejuk
n akhirnye tertewas jua
bkn setakat tewas sekali 2..
tewas sebulan lah lebih kurg nye niii
last night...sshnyee nk tido!!
badan sakit2..hidung tesumbat
batok2, bersin2 n last but not least kepanasan yg teramat sgt
salah satu symptom org mengandong yg xdpt dielakkan
wpon last 2 weeks da pasang econ.. (stlh pujukan berterusan terhadap hubby)
tp sbb sesema...mlm td xbkk econ
Ya Allah..seksanyaaa. mmg xle tdo lsg. pkl 4 pg..
da xthn sgt...soh jgk hubby bkn econ n dapat jgk laa lelap utk 2j setengah sblm nk bgn subuh
harap2 cptla sesema n batok ni baik..
sy mau tido dgn econ!!

hr ni di opis..sesema menjadi2
malasnye nk gi keje
pale pon sakit sbb xcukup tido
seb bek tepk keje yg xsiap lg...gagahkan jgk dtg opis
lg 6mgg nk bersalin!
adeh..byk lg bnde xprepare
ok..rileks...wat satu persatu
mula2 mesti kne siapkn keje dl..
pasni br smbung blogging ke ape k

sgt suke wiken..sbb dpt bersama hubby 24hrs
can't wait to spend another wiken wtih him
luv u so much nahar haris =)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

It's never too late

weehuu..after reading all my folk's blogs
teringin plak mau ada blog sndri...
i think blogging is good for me..
ini kerana...byk sgt bende/kenangan2 manis sepanjang 26 years ni telah dilupakan tanpa sengaja *sigh*
kadang2 nk cube ingat pon xingat2..
ni kan pulak bila xcube...mmg xingat lsg
what is life without sweet n bitter memories?? it's mine! :p

so, because my baby will be born in 1 month..
i feel like bloggin is necessary for me to keep some remembrance of my 8 month pregnant experience
and the new life i'm going through after this...

it feels great..really!
i hope i'm not going to be a lazy blogger